Inara Consult

Driving Business in Africa
by Connecting Investors
to Opportunities

Africa is on the rise. Africa is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies and is expanding at more than double the global growth rate. With a young and educated population, earnings are expected to rise and as such they will have a higher disposable income to spend on consumer goods and services.

At Inara Consult, we connect investors who want to invest or start businesses in Africa. We assist investors planning to venture into new markets or launch new products in existing markets formulate effective Go-to-Market (GTM) strategies that gives them an edge against their competitors.

Inara Consult acts as a bridge between investors and investment opportunities. We provide investors with the right information, insights on sectors to invest in and financial opportunities for the growth of their enterprises.

We will work with you to ensure a seamless process right from determining the marketing aspects of the venture, setting up the expected goals, organizing and executing the plans to ensure your goals as an investor are met.

Africa Trends by 2025

$4.5 trillion

Africa’s Projected GDP Growth

65 Percent

Middle Class Households

Nearly 50%

Population Living in Urban Cities